CNDd - Calculate Cytonuclear disequilibrium for diallelic systems


CNDd [ -i data input ] [ -o data output ] [ -e log file ] [ -t ] [ -S i] [ -a alpha ] [ -b beta ] ...


CNDd calculates cytonuclear disequilibria for diallelic systems. It also calculates the minimum sample sizes required to detect arbitrary disequilibria.


Use this to specify the data output file. CNDd will append to a file that already exists. The default value is CNDd.out.

You need to specify a data input file with this option. The default value is CNDd.dat. See the example files for the format.

This allows you to name a log file. The default value is CNDd.err.

Using this flag flips a switch to output data analysis in LaTeX2e format.

This flag requires an integer value. It is the Sanchez flag for calculating exact sample sizes. A value of zero (the default) skips calculating exact sample sizes. See below for more details.

Use a real value with this flag to set the type I error probability, otherwise known as the size or alpha, for calculating the exact sample sizes. The default is 0.05.

This allows you to set the type II error rate. One minus this value is the power. The default is 0.5.

This allows you to set an upper bound for the power when calculating power curves.

Set rho1 with this option. It defaults to 0.5.

Set rho2 with this option. It defaults to 0.5.

Set D1 with this option and turn off usage of rho1 and rho2. It defaults to 0.0 which means that rho1 and rho2 are used to calculate D1 and D2 from the margins and a cubic equation. Note that if you set this option, you should know what you are doing.

Set D2 with this option. It defaults to 0.0 and behaves like the previous option.

Use this to set the marginal frequency of AA genotypes. It must be a probability, or it will be reset to the default value of 0.1.

Use this to set the marginal frequency of Aa genotypes. It must be a probability, or it will be reset to the default value of 0.1. In addition, this and the previous probability must sum to a number less than or equal to 1.0.

Use this to set the marginal frequency of M cytotypes. It must be a probability, or it will be reset to the default value of 0.1.

This allows you to set the lower bound on the sample size for use with the -S flag. Powers based on the exact test will be calculated beginning with this value, which defaults to 50. It must be a positive integer, or it will be reset to 50.

This allows you to set the upper bound on the sample size for use with the -S flag. Powers based on the exact test will be calculated ending with this value, which defaults to 100. It must be an integer greater than the setting for the previous option (-Nl), or it will be rest to lower bound plus the increment.

This allows you to set the increment on the sample size for use with the -S flag. Powers based on the exact test will be calculated from the value set with -Nl up to the value -Nu incremented with this value. It is 25 by default. It must be a positive integer, or it will be reset to 25.

Use this with care. It allows you to set the threshold for the probability of a margin when calculating the exact test sample size or power. A value of 0.0 would mean use all margins. For a value X, it means that margins with maximum probability less than 10E-X will be ignored. The default is 20, which means that margins with probability less than 10E-20 will be ignored. See Sanchez et al., 2004 for more details and don't use this unless you understand it.


Your data file should contain cytonuclear counts for diallelic systems. The input file is plain text with tokens followed by information that the program will read. A token is any word that begins with a minus sign.

        -l 1
        -C    mtDNA
        -N    Mdh-2 locus
        -H    AA   Aa   aa
        -M    25    0   97
        -m    93  176    0
is followed by the number of sets of cytonuclear genotypes.

specifies the cytoplasmic locus name.

gives the nuclear locus name.

is a header line for the allele names at the nuclear locus. Use it as is.

indicates that the M cytonuclear genotype counts follow in the order nAAM, nAaM, naaM.

indicates that the m cytonuclear genotypes counts follow in the order nAAm, nAam, naam.

is a flag to print out the data matrix.

marks the beginning of a set of cytonuclear genotype counts.

marks the end of a set of cytonuclear genotype counts.

tells CNDd to stop reading and start computing.

You may repeat the block beginning with -b and ending with -e with new sets of counts, but be sure to update the integer value after the -l token, which should be the first token encountered. Note that this is a minus ell (not minus one), and is necessary for the program to allocate the proper amount of memory. If it is too small, the program will crash.


CNDd can calculate the sample sizes required to detect the observed disequilibria based on asymptotic theory or the exact test. The exact test yields greater accuracy, but takes much more computing time. The Sanchez flag allows control of this feature. The default is a value of 0, which means that the exact sample sizes are not calculated. Here are the other values:

  1. The program will calculate the exact sample sizes required to detect disequilibria for the data files.

  2. CNDd will ignore the data files and calculate a power curve for the margins and rho values. The sample sizes will range from the arguments to -Nl up to -Nu in increments of -Ni. You set the margins with the -p1 (for P(AA)), -p2 (for P(Aa) and -pM (for P(M)). The rho1 and rho2 parameters are set with -r1 and -r2. You can also set an upper bound on the power with -pu.

  3. Recalcuate Table 5 from Sanchez, et al., 2004.

  4. Calculate the exact sample size for the margins and (rho1, rho2) values given.

  5. Calculate the power curve based on the asymptotic test. See item 2 above for the parameters.


        % CNDd -i sample.dat

Will analyze the data in sample.dat. Analysis follows Asmussen and Basten (1994).

        % CNDd -i sample.dat   -S 1

Same, except exact sample sizes are calculated for the data. You can also do theoretical calculations.

        % CNDd -p1 0.2 -p2 0.2 -pM 0.5 -r1 0.5 -r2 0.5 -S 4

will calculate the exact sample size needed to detect the disequilibria that result when p(AA) = p(Aa) = 0.2, p(M) = 0.5, rho1 = rho2 = 0.5 and the size and power are 0.05 and 0.5, respectively. See Sanchez et al., (2004) for details. For the parameter values given above, the values of D1 and D2 would be -0.0455 and -0.0143. Thus,

        % CNDd -p1 0.2 -p2 0.2 -pM 0.5 -d1 -0.0455 -d2 -0.0143 -S 4

would be equivalent.


The exact test can take quite a bit of time. If you have data, you might want to run it without the exact test first. Look at the asymptotically derived sample sizes required to detect the observed level of disequilibria for DAAM, DAaM and DaaM. If the smallest one is reasonable (say less than 500), try rerunning with the -S 1 flag. If you have a Unix machine, you could compile the Unix version of this program and run it in the background:

        %  CNDd -i sample.dat -S 1 &

In 2004, we generated numerical results on a Macintosh G4 Xserve running at 1.33 Mhz. The program code was compiled with gcc version 3.1 and using the -O3 flag. The time in seconds to calculate the power for a sample size N is approximately linear in N to the fifth power, with a slope of 1/10^9. A rough estimate for the time to calculate the sample size necessary for a specified power, would be about 5 Na^5/10^9, where Na is the sample size calculated via asymptotic theory (Asmussen and Basten, 1994), and the caret (^) means exponentiation.


  1. M.A. Asmussen and C.J. Basten (1994). Sampling theory for cytonuclear disequilibria. Genetics 138:1351-1363.

  2. M.A. Asmussen and C.J. Basten (1996). Constraints and normalized measures for cytonuclear disequilibria. Heredity 76:207-214.

  3. Sanchez, M.S., C.J. Basten, A.M. Ferrenberg, M.A. Asmussen and J. Arnold (2004). Exact sample sizes needed to detect dependence in 2 x 3 tables. Theoret. Pop. Biol. submitted.




In general, it is best to contact us via email.

        Christopher J. Basten 
        Bioinformatics Research Center, North Carolina State University
        1523 Partners II Building/840 Main Campus Drive
        Raleigh, NC 27695-7566     USA
        Phone: (919)515-1934
        Maria S. Sanchez
        Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
        University of California 
        Berkeley, CA 94720   USA
The BRC web site ( ) has links to a software page and from there to the 
newest version of this program (Cytonuclear Disequilibria).

The direct link is here:

There are versions for Windows ( ), Macintosh ( ) and Unix ( ).

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