This directory contains programs to accompany Dmitri V. Zaykin, Zhaoling Meng, Margaret G. Ehm. 2006. Contrasting LD patterns between cases and controls as a novel association mapping method. AJHG, in press. testdat.txt: A simulated data set; phenotype is the column 1, plus 5 SNPs First, SNPs in a file like this need to be re-coded to -1,0,1 (11 -> -1; 12 -> 0; 22 -> 1). This can be done with the perl script in this directory: x testdat.txt > testdat-recoded.txt 'x' is a missing data label; testdat-recoded.txt is the output Please see "sample.Rhistory.txt" on the usage of R scripts for matrix LD comparisons. The programs are currently being improved - please let me know if you plan to use them. Dmitri