Teaching Resources

Several educational resources for bioinformatics and life science topics are available. Shown below is a selected (and highly incomplete) list. Our list includes general link collections, which target both the high-school and college levels and provide a huge variety of pointers to animations, videos, images, and lesson plans. In addition, there are also several more specialized sources devoted to animation, images and videos.

General Link Collections

    ASCB BioEDUCATE. Link collection for learning and teaching life sciences.

    BEDROCK. "NSF-funded project aimed at integrating bioinformatics throughout the undergraduate biology curriculum."

    BioQuest. "The BioQUEST Library Online is an ongoing peer-reviewed community publication of software simulations, tools, datasets, and other supporting materials from educators and developers engaged in education and research in science."

    BEN. "The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Pathway for biological sciences education."

    MERLOT. "Multimedia Educational resource for Learning and Online Teaching."

    NCBI Education. Links to information and tutorials, educational tools, previous courses, and science primer.

    JGI's Education Program. "Educational programs and tools, centered on large-scale DNA sequencing and its bioinformatic analysis."

    Microbe Library. "Over 2,500 original, peer-reviewed resources for teaching undergraduate microbiology."

    SMETE Digital Library. "The SMETE Digital Library is a dynamic online library and portal of services by the SMETE Open Federation for teachers and students."

Animation Sites

Image and Video Libraries